Case Of The Multiple Layers And Consequences Of Abortion

“God may forgive you your sins but your nervous system won’t”…Albert Korzybski
In real life experience, spiritual, emotional, physical, mental and environmental issues are muddled with other factors. A young 18 year old woman found herself pregnant, did not tell her parents, sought out a therapist, health practitioners and with her boyfriend accompanying her, had an abortion at an approved abortion clinic in New York. But subconsciously her nagging religious Christian upbringing affected her whole being. She began to have issues:
Physically: painful menstruation, migraines, fluid in the lungs (grief unexpressed), cramping, endometriosis (common among Hispanics, African Americans and Italian/Greek decent), constant colds and flu. When she tried to become pregnant after getting married, she suffered an ectopic pregnancy (fetus growing in the fallopian tube) which ruptured and led to infertility issues. She could never become pregnant again after repeated attempts at fertility clinics. As a guinea pig for science, she endured multiple procedures, air blown into her remaining tube, laparoscopy, until her belly looked like a train track (severing the acupuncture ‘meridian lines’ from every direction). Was it the birth control pills or the abortion procedure that led to the endometriosis or her mental/emotional state or a combination of all of the above? After the ectopic rupture, she developed anemia, toxemia, liver issues and suffered from numerous illnesses (from guilt?) for most of her adult life. She was uninformed about the possible physiological side effects of abortion: Endometriosis, infertility, heavy and persistent bleeding, infection or sepsis, scarring of uterine lining, perforation of uterus, damage to other organs and death.
Emotionally: She became ‘numb’ right after the abortion and was unable to ‘feel’ anything again. She said she felt like a robot going about life, one task to another. After years of therapy, the numbness turned into rage from hurt, guilt and anger at herself for being talked into it. She suffered from depression, rage and guilt most of her adult life. Her anger was venting in every direction except for directly confronting the ‘real issues’. Society, culture, job, bosses, family, etc. all became the targets for her repressed, explosive feelings. No one ever told her the emotional side effects of abortion: Mild regret, depression, guilt, anger, shame, loneliness, isolation, impaired self-confidence, insomnia, nightmares, relationship issues, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, anxiety.
Spiritually; Subconsciously, her Christian upbringing taught her that she had killed a living being. Under the surface festering, she felt she needed to punish herself by never becoming pregnant or carrying a child to full term. The spiritual side effects of abortion in a predominately ‘Christian’ world: self-sabotage, ‘shooting self in the foot’ numbness, loss of spirit and passion for life, lack of motivation, unhappiness, unable to find joy and pleasure in life.
Mentally: She suffered from one breakdown and melt down after another. Her decision-making processes were jaded by her guilt, anger, rage against herself and boyfriend and fear of being found out. Her dreams were nightmares. She often thought of committing suicide.
The mental side effects of abortion are much like the emotional with additional symptoms: inability to concentrate, to focus on a task, stay connected, wandering, moving from relationship to relationship or job to job or location to location, inability to hold down a job, extremely judgmental of others, lack of intimacy, becoming an extreme intellectual to the exclusion of everything else, isolationism.
PREVENTION strategies would have deterred or eliminated the consequences of her decisions had she been better informed by her parents, school or physician. The physical, emotional, mental, religious and spiritual ramifications of abortion, birth control pills and patches are rarely explained to young women who seek out such procedures and products. Is it any surprise that the boom in the “infertility industry” (test tube babies, artificial insemination, incubating sperm and eggs) and many women’s inability to become pregnant or having difficult labor, coincidentally coincides with the legalization of abortion and sale of birth-control pills? Interestingly, indigenous women are well versed in the art of taking certain herbs which cause instantaneous abortion without any side effects. BUT, the indigenous culture supports a woman’s right to choose as women are taught about these herbs by other women in the tribe. These women do not suffer from any emotional, physical, mental or spiritual side effects or scars because natural abortion for whatever reason is an accepted way of life and a woman’s right to have control over her own body; a birthright rather than related to‘religious’ dogma.
The human being is a complex organism. In order to understand the ‘ALIVENESS’ factor and maintain its equilibrium, it is imperative to seek out answers from a variety of disciplines and arenas. It is imperative to make informed choices that align with the ‘spirit’, soul and the integrity of the inner being. HAVE HUMANS RELINQUISHED PERSONAL POWER AND CONTROL TO TECHNOLOGY, EXTERNAL FORCES, EXPERIENCES, EVENTS AND INDIVIDUALS INSTEAD OF OWNING THESE TALENTS, GIFTS AND SKILLS FOR THEMSELVES? In other words, could our own brain/mind function more profoundly than any computer, could our heart/emotions contain more fuel that any gas propelled vehicle, could our spirits achieve greater heights than any vehicle in space and could our body/cells cure any illness, imbalance and suffering by tapping into our own personal power?