TV SHOW 09.12.13: WHAT ARE THE ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLS? Angela Cotellessa grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and attended college and graduate school at the University of Southern California. She holds two bachelor’s degrees—one in Psychology and the other in Communication, as well as a Master’s degree in Communication Management.
While living in Los Angeles, Angela spent several years working at a shelter for battered women and their children. During her time as a student, Angela held internships both for the California Governor’s Office, as well as the White House. She was later hired by the Executive Office of the President (EOP) as a non-political, career federal employee. Her six-year tenure at EOP began under the Bush Administration, and lasted throughout President Obama’s first term. While working at EOP, she was put into the “Executive Leadership Program” for up-and-coming government professionals, which led to her being temporarily assigned to the State Department at the American Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In February 2013, Mrs. Cotellessa began a new position at the Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville, VA where she organizes training seminars for members of the Senior Executive Service—the federal government’s most prestigious and elite group of career civil servants.
Aside from her work for the federal government, she also serves as the Manager of a family-owned real estate and investment company which her grandparents, who raised her, founded.
Angela enjoys international travel and has been to approximately 40 countries on 6 continents to date. In her spare time, she enjoys riding her motorcycle, trying adventurous activities, and attending workshops on a variety of topics, particularly those of the self-help and spiritual nature.
Her major life goals are to learn as much as she can, to experience life fully, and to make a positive impact on those around her. Angela is a newlywed; she and her husband Joe live in Gordonsville, VA.
Angela Cotellessa’s mother (who has mental illness) lost custody of Angela and her two brothers when Angela was 2 years old. Their father, who struggled with alcoholism and health problems, wasn’t able to raise three children on his own, so Angela and her brothers were raised by their paternal grandparents.
Some may find such a state of affairs unfortunate, but there were certain benefits that came out of this situation. In particular, Angela’s grandmother, who she lovingly refers to as “Mamaw,” had an amazingly positive, strong, and lasting impact on Angela’s life. Amongst many other gifts, Mamaw helped Angela develop strong self-esteem and taught her what healthy love feels like.
Angela’s talk will be about the impact her grandmother’s unconditional love and support had on her life. Her story will show by example the lasting imprint a close, loving bond can make, and how such a bond can impact how a person’s life turns out—for the better.