02.18.2014. Indulging in Resorts. Antonia Albano, Co-Founder/Owner, General Manager, South River Highlands Country Retreat & Heartstone Retreat, Buena Vista, Virginia 24416, (4 miles from Lexington)
Currently I am co-owner, co-operator of a 250 acre vacation retreat & teaching facility in the southern end of the Shenandoah Valley. I have been teaching workshops in the raising of human consciousness since early 1990’s, founded the World Love Project & Virginia’s Celebration of Love, am a photographer & ex-equestrian (cross country/dressage). In my previous life I spent 22 years in corporate America in sales, sales management, marketing public relations, market research related to land development & a few years as a buyer for a fashion department & boutique. In the early 1990’s my now husband & I founded the California Institute for Mind-Body Awareness where I was Director while maintaining a private practice in two cities, as a Transformation Coach, Integrative Therapist & Spiritual Mentor. My husband & I lived aboard our blue water sailboat for 6 years sailing from San Francisco to South America up Central America to Cuba & up the eastern seaboard before relocating to Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. We still keep a foot print in northern California with family business & our boat. I live a spiritually focused life filled with deep gratitude.
www.SouthRiverHighlands.com www.HeartstoneRetreat.com
540.461.1401 ; 540 463 2593