In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, the Dairy and Cattleman’s Association decided to do a marketing campaign that was very expensive. This was an innovative marketing scheme designed to create generations of adults who believed that “daily milk and cattle consumption are essential to do the body good”. Marketing experts have capitalized on this premise over the years. When children create a habit of consumer buying, it is very, very difficult to redirect or change those habits without serious conscious effort in adulthood. These buying habits are self perpetuated by the reinforcement of continuous adds in TV, radio, newspaper and especially, schools which carried, at that time, great weight in molding the minds of our young.
For the teachers, posters, booklets, tests and fliers for “educational” use about the “four food groups” were provided. Of course, those four food groups emphasized meat (two servings a day), eggs, cheese, and milk (no less than three glasses a day). In observing one of those old posters, beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables are made very, very small and unobtrusive. (The posters acknowledged the Association at the bottom right corner). Classrooms were also encouraged to take field trips to local dairies at an early age and treated to ice cream at the end of the trip. A very pleasant experience to reinforce their claims.
Who gave the Association permission to promote those materials without SCIENTIFIC data to substantiate the claims? No one. It was a national effort created in communities across the US simultaneously in schools who needed supplementary materials to the curriculum. Now 50 years later, after millions of dollars of scientific research, America is discovering that health problems can be directly attributable to the misconceptions of that propaganda. AND how difficult it is to change those habits and patterns of behavior ingrained in a belief system transmitted through trusted teachers and the TV! The meat and dairy industry soars!
In retrospect, America is one of the few cultures on the planet to give children milk after the age of weaning. Cows milk does not even come close to mothers milk because it is made to create healthy cows that weigh four hundred pounds! (And it is a wonder why we suffer from overweight and obesity in this country.) The fat content in dairy products is undigestible by the human stomach. Therefore, its residue lies in the intestines for long periods of time.
This little marketing campaign had repercussions everywhere in corporate America! The bottle was created as a means to, according to advertising, “free up the mothers time and hands” for work or play. And of course, milk was the product contained within the bottle. This led to a radical extreme where mothers no longer breast fed children but bottle fed. Doctors found that the milk for some children was indigestible so “artificial milk” was created in the guise of formula.
Women consuming large quantities of milk also produce fatty tissue in breasts creating a high risk for cancer. Ingestion of dairy products for some women also creates additional body hair, low voices and cleft chin. The inability for the body to digest milk also produces high levels of mucus in the system. This creates an effect like allergies or perpetual colds and sinus infections or ear aches. The intestines cannot assimilate the amount of mucus that is created and hence, it overflows into the rest of the system.
The milk aspect is only one problem. The issues about meat, eggs, and cheese are just as substantial to current trends in health and fitness. The idea that meat, for example, in extreme quantities is beneficial to health is challenging. For example, when looking at the animal kingdom, one notices the teeth of carnivorous animals. Tigers have sharp pointed teeth made for ripping flesh. What do the teeth of humans suggest? Well, ours look more appropriate for the ingestion of fruits and vegetable- they are flat and round, incapable of chewing and ripping meat. The consumption of meat for a healthy diet is questionable.
In Japan, a discovery was made when cattle began being shipped from America. Something strange began to happen to Japanese youths- the onset of puberty was accelerated to begin at ages five and six over two generations of American beef consumption. Young girls and boys were manifesting maturational characteristics at very young ages.
Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the injections that cattle received to mature faster and fatter had a direct correlation to the people who consumed them. The acceleration process for those that consumed these foods became in direct relationship to the type of injection received by the cattle. A new disease also began to emerge- children were born with their metabolism accelerating ten times the rate of normal. Children began the aging process and would die with 90 year old bodies at the age of five. (You have probably seen them on Opra.)
Scientists are aware of the fact that when a mother consumes products, like alcohol or drugs, it has a direct correlation to the fetus. Residue from dairy products undigested is also found in mothers milk. The consumption of animal by-products is the same as ingesting the chemicals, feed and disease to which the animal has been exposed. Therefore, the euphemism “you are what you eat” is more than colloquial speech.
If you are what you eat then is it any wonder why Americans are overweight? The consumption of dairy products meant for maintaining the level and fatness in cows overrides a digestive system that is meant for eating high fiber, low fat, low sugar foods. The stomach is incapable of breaking down meat properly as this is the function of the sharp teeth so when the unripped food enters the stomach, the cilia from the stomach becomes worn away over time. The inability to digest meat properly suggests that it putrefies in the digestive system, specifically in the colon, and sticks to the lining of intestinal walls. What transpires when meat is left out for a few days exemplifies the same when it adheres to the lining of the intestinal track.
It is presumed that anything found in health class in school would be based on scientific fact. Here it is 50 years later and children are still learning in elementary texts the four food groups, even though the media and scientific data, is flooded with information to the contrary. Even well intentioned adults refuse to grasp the importance of this information because they are unwilling and unable to change their own eating habits.
Is it any wonder that colonics, vitamins, extreme exercising, and a fascination with health, exercise and diet has become the rage and a multi-billion dollar industry? Like any change in behavior, Americans must become “weaned” from their habits. So the health food industry accommodates this need by creating tofu hot dogs, okara burgers and “healthy” snacks to satisfy the psychological needs. Why not just eat organic fresh fruits and vegetables?