TV SHOW GUEST.10.24.2013. FOOD FOR HEALTH. As a former mental health counselor, Heather never wanted anything to do with food–until she discovered that all of her health (emotional & physical) was created by what she ate. Heather then decided to head back to school to The Institute for Integrative Nutrition to add “food and wellness coach” to her resume’.
After using what she learned to cure herself of hypoglycemia, low-grade depression & menstrual issues Heather discovered that she actually really could enjoy cooking and decided to attend The Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Healing’s (NGI) chef’s training program to become a chef.
After culinary school Heather studied under NGI’s founder Annemarie Colbin’s in a “Food Therapy” course and was mentored by TV Chef & author, Christina Pirello. In 2010 Heather co-founded the country’s first bakery that is free of gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn & refined sugar. Heather & her creations have been featured in Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Life” blog, Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars” and on Cooking Channel’s “Food (ography) ” & “Unique Sweets”.
In 2012 Heather sold her shares of the bakery and decided to go back to her passion of helping women increase their energy, elevate their moods and lose excess weight through fun and sustainable diet and lifestyle changes. Smart Sexy Living is the name of her company and is all about helping women have vibrant energy and confidence.
Whether it’s through 1:1 coaching, detox programs or cooking classes, you can be sure you’ll learn how to get the energy back you’ve been looking for. You can check out her website here (www.smartsexyliving.com) or follow her on Facebook (facebook/smartsexyliving) or Twitter (twitter.com/smartsexyliving).