TV SHOW GUEST. 12.26.2013 PREVENTING SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTSY. Chaplain Heena Reiter is a rabbinic pastor student in the Ordination Program of ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. In addition to her Jewish studies, Heena’s background includes seven years of practice in Zen Buddhism. Heena has taught Bible, Hebrew prayer, chant and song to adults and children for more than 25 years. She is co-spiritual leader of P’nai Yisrael Chavurah [Faces of Israel Friendship Group], which she helped found in 1991. She was founder and spiritual director of Gesher Center for Jewish Spirituality, Meditation and Healing in Charlottesville, VA, from 2000-2010. Heena has been active in interfaith work, having traveled to Israel and Palestine for three Compassionate Listening Project programs and co-founding the monthly Interfaith Pray for Peace gatherings, in 2001, in Charlottesville, and the Interfaith Cooperation Circle of Central Virginia, in 2005.