TV SHOW. 10.15.2013. DAY CARE, PRESCHOOL. WHAT IS BEST FOR CHILDREN? Jennifer McDonald is the director and owner of Our Neighborhood CDC a Reggio Emilia inspired infant toddler center in Charlottesville. Jennifer opened Our Neighborhood because she felt Charlottesville infants and toddlers deserved more than the institutional and academic early childhood programs currently available. “My passion is infants and toddlers. For most programs having infants is an afterthought. We are zero to three, we do continuity of care, we respect children, and we build a community for families.” Our Neighborhood is a place where parents don’t just drop children off they become a part of the school. Jennifer likes to focus mostly on mentoring and supporting parents and teachers to be mindful about their experiences and interactions with children.
Email: Director@ourneighborhoodcdc.com and website OurNeighborhoodCDC.com facebook is a great way to see what is going on at the center and I often use it to share parenting info. Facebook.com/oncdc