TV GUEST 10.08.2013 WHAT CONSTITUTES A ‘GOOD’ EDUCATION? Leslie Nathaniel is the Vice President of The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers (VaHomeschoolers), a state-wide, inclusive, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering families that choose home education for their children. VaHomeschoolers provides a comprehensive website, family-friendly annual conferences, local seminars, toll-free help line and e-mail help desk, and a variety of print and online publications as part of our core mission. VaHomeschoolers also monitors legislative activity that affects home education in Virginia’s General Assembly. In addition to her work on the VaHomeschoolers’ board of directors, Ms. Nathaniel speaks at homeschooling conferences and seminars on a variety of topics; she also co-wrote and appeared in VaHomeschoolers’ “Guide to Homeschooling Your Child” internet-based video and print resources. Ms. Nathaniel has been educating her two children at home and out in the world since 2002; her prior career experience included work as a computer systems analyst and project manager for both Federal government and private sector consulting firms. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from The University of California, Berkeley and an M.S. in Information Systems from George Mason University. She has also been a La Leche League Leader since 1999.