Onnie Baldwin

TALK: WOMEN’S ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES: EMDR Onnie Baldiwn is a licensed therapist. She has been in this field since 1974. She started her career working with in a Runaway House working with the kids and their families. The goal was to help the children return home and to help the family and the child create an atmosphere so that all can be happy living together. She worked in this field for six years providing therapy to the kids and then to their families.

After six years of working with Runaways and their families, Onnie started her private practice which she has been doing since then. In her private practice she has worked with kids and their families, women and men in individual therapy. She also has many years experience as a couples therapist. Over time she has developed a specialty in Trauma work helping those who have experienced abuse, neglect, serious accidents or natural disasters and a specialty in problems with late adoption children with attachment issues and their families. She has trained in Mind Body techniques for pain experienced after trauma, food and it’s effects on the mind and body, EMDR and EFT both techniques for relieving the emotional effects of trauma, and is a member of an on-going seminar on deal with DID and Trauma.