There have been a variety of responses to last month’s article School Shooters: By-Product of an Emotionally, Spiritually Bankrupt Nation so much so that it was important to respond to both the men and women who emailed and called me. One article cannot convey all of the changes that need to be addressed in our culture.
Modern and Indigenous Women
For the FEMALES: To begin on a positive note, I have been blessed, really blessed, to befriend MANY families who for generations instinctively knew how to value, respect and cherish their unborn and birthed children. It is from these few select families that I take heart, have hope and continue to pray that humanity wakes up in time! In addition, the younger generations of woman are awakening to all of the below comments, not only having discussions but also passionately rebellious and action oriented in assisting women from around the world to value, respect, honor, cherish, love themselves, each other and their children. A revolution has begun to return women to the status, not just of equality, but superiority (although men keep trying to surpass us with test tube babies) in this, our human experience. For that, I am VERY hopeful and happy!
There is great concern for the child in the womb. For years I have been lecturing on the inhumanity imposed on the unborn and newly born child. The very fact that mother’s cannot ‘feel’ the fertilized egg in the womb within days of fertilization is incomprehensible. I had a client who was 5 MONTHS with child before she ever suspected she was pregnant! Indigenous women ‘know’ right after impregnation. That modern women need external results is a testament to the separation of mind, body, emotion and spirit. With that, how can any pregnant mother take care of the growing infant when she is disconnected from herself?
Many women, products of the spiritual, emotional void, are mistresses of self-sabotage imbibing in too much alcohol, drugs (prescription and otherwise); participating in unhealthy, abusive relationships; indulging in fatty, sugar-filled and highly salted foods; AND (my highly charged pet peeve) abortions – which render them sterile, with ripped wombs, guilt ridden emotions, broken spirits and as years progress, physical maladies vaginally and otherwise like endometriosis, breast cancer (symptoms which NO ONE in my profession chooses to discuss in any meaningful way). Is it any wonder that pharmaceutical birth control, legalized abortion, infertility issues, high infant mortality and high birth defects resurfaced during the same time period?
Ironically, having studied with indigenous tribes who embrace comprehensive, healthy ideologies and ancient wisdom, these women are knowledgeable about the natural herbs taken to abort their children or prevent themselves from getting pregnant (herbs which grow heartily in forests); do not have religious beliefs that force them to feel guilty for these acts and have female support groups that openly discuss such things (read the Red Tent). Modern women have lost so much of the sisterhood that existed long ago. There is so much to be relearned from ancient cultures and even some third world countries.
To add to all of this, there was an article published in JAMA many years ago that has been marginalized by media and professionals. In the uterus, a child develops twice the number of neurons it needs to sustain a healthy life. When the child moves through the birth canal naturally (without forceps assistance), HALF of those neurons are destroyed leaving the child with manageable numbers. Nature’s plan is always perfect. HOWEVER, when a child is birthed by C-section, those neurons remain leaving the child overstimulated, oversensitive to external stimuli (such as autistic, ADD, sensitive to light, sound, noises, allergies, etc.). The number of C sections has magnified over the last twenty years having begun as procedures to minimize health risks for moms and evolving into convenience factors for physicians (and parents). Oh, the modern extremism at its finest!
Then, there is circumcision for both boys (Western cultures) and girls (in middle-Eastern and African cultures): a subject too extensive for discussion here.
All in all, the abuse to babies- prenatal, natal, infant as well as during the formative years- combined with that of women, seems to be unlimited among all cultures on this planet. HOWEVER, I am, hopeful that this is the age, time and era when women will again unite, break the chains of being marginalized and honor, respect, encourage, communicate and engage in a revolution that emulates motherhood, womanhood and childhood to its rightful place superseding materialism, the almighty dollar, antiquated religious/political doctrine and law, and all other factors that devalue and desensitize the human experience.
Among my clients, several men were affected by both my article and the actual shootings at Sandy Hook. One man said, “I can understand how someone can shoot their mother”. As much as 50% of males are raised by mothers with partners, husbands and mates who are absent for one reason or another- divorce, constant travel, job hours, abandonment. In addition, many women, both married and single, go back to work immediately after the birth of their child. These issues, as well as others, combine to add to the subliminal guilt many mothers feel about abandoning their children to political, moral, cultural and financial pressures.