Ancient doctrines from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indonesia and China convey the essential elements from the transfer of sexual energy. Sexuality stimulates the kundalini fire, psyche, emotions, endorphins and a multitude of physical responses. The Western world has lost the deep spiritual sacredness and significance distorting and demoralizing it as the ‘sex act’ through extreme religious doctrines, teachings and materialistic, mechanistic theories, which have evolved into societal, cultural norms, customs and standards. The female, for example as receptor, has the power (although long lost to conscious awareness or wisdom transmitting rituals) to transmute negative male energies like anger and aggression. With careful ritual and knowledge, women took these negative energies and released them (by contrast to women today who absorb them). In times past, this was a woman’s greatest power for the species within a spiritual platform. How many men have complained that after marriage the wife became ‘someone else’, bitchy, domineering, on an emotional roller coaster. Modern woman lacks the techniques, strength and wisdom for transmutation while men are no longer enculturated to ‘own’ their own feelings (emotion relegated to a woman’s fate).
The sexual act has become mechanical and pleasure seeking to the exclusion of the sacred like Tantric sex, for example. Former clients illustrate this point. Jane and Jim came for marriage counseling. Not only was Jim complaining about his wife’s transformation after marriage but also their five-year old son was a monster. Jim is a mild mannered, even-tempered psychiatrist who shows no outward emotion and in his practice, therapizes the most extreme, violent cases. The negative emotions Jim refused to embrace both from his personal life and his work perhaps the energy acquired from working with such patients, were inseminated into Jane where over time, she began to outwardly display them. In addition, because Jane had no knowledge of transmutation, she passed this onto their young child in uterus. Energy, emotions and other intangible qualities are just as easily transferred as the tangible and physical characteristics like eye and skin color. Because sexuality has lost its sacredness, rituals of indigenous cultures generations ago, have been lost. (Perhaps, like some insect species, when males were being sacrificed after one sexual encounter with the queen in some ancient cultures, men revolted.)
The 1960’s brought about a sexual revolution and freedom that consequentially escalated a rise in divorce, abortions, pornography, pedophilia, sex slave trades, venereal disease, cancer and childhood illnesses. Scientists are now focusing attention on HPV’s (human papaloma virus) and venereal disease, all virus’, as the foundation blocks for cancer and decreased immune protection in adults and especially children who are infected during pregnancy. Much of venereal disease especially HPV remain dormant or are asymptomatic. Unless specially tested for HPV during a pap exam, most women are unaware. There is a simple test for men; a sterile white cloth soaked in clear vinegar wrapped around the penis for 5-10 minutes will detect bumps under the skin’s surface. For the most part, a large percent of the population has no idea they are carrying the virus, hence it’s spread over the past decade.
HPV in cancer patients is now being widely studied as the progenitor of anal, rectal, vaginal, prostrate, colon and lung cancers. These studies emerged because the numbers and causes for such rare cancers became more prevalent. Until now, researchers have treated venereal disease virus as something separate from the rest of the body. Although virus are within every human lying dormant over a lifetime, immune deficiency from lack of exercise, nutritious diets, stressful lifestyles have all accumulated into non-functioning digestive systems that lack the ‘good’ probiotic bacteria for healthy digestion and elimination, which prevent disease or ‘bad’ virus from propagating.
It would appear that the marriage covenant and tradition as well as the Puritanical foundations (although not as pure as myth would have us believe) had an underlying motivation and purpose to protect humanity from catastrophic widespread disease as well as protecting the genetic pool for future generations. Having lost the ‘sacredness’ of the sexuality, Pandora’s box of chaos has been unleashed to humanity. The ramifications for generations of children, is unimaginable! What happens when the spirituality of sexuality is eliminated?
In my practice as a therapist, one of the most provocative statistics among ‘New Age’ or spiritually-seeking adults, is the fact that the majority has been sexually abused in some form or another, as children! In a boundryless society, is it any wonder? When a child suffers abuse in any form, healthy defense mechanisms of discrimination and discernment are underdeveloped leaving the child unable to recognize danger. When the modeling ‘adult’ is abusive, the child equates ‘love’ with abuse. A lifelong pattern of self-sabotage begins in earnest. Children, as adults, accept physical abuse in marriage, sexual promiscuity, rape, as the only love ever encountered and therefore the ‘norm’.
Media & Technology: What are the cultural, societal values and morals subliminally taught through media and technology viewing? Is anyone monitoring the media for our children’s sake? One of the most personally appalling commercials on prime time television embodied the tenuous balance between freedom of advertising and impinging on personal values- Viagra. The notion that a child would have to inquire about a ‘four hour erection’ (which they do) filmed me with horror. WHY is my child being exposed to this information during primetime when television executives have deemed this ‘family viewing time’? HOW is this indiscriminate practice infiltrating the airwaves with inappropriate information not a cause for alarm? Is the viewing public so jaded and apathetic that it is unconcerned with the morals and values portrayed as commercials, programming and news on television? Has the media become so ingrained in daily life that discrimination and discernment is completely obliterated? Who is policing the airwaves for our children’s messages? Has this nation become extreme in its defense of freedom of speech without borders and boundaries? Where are the sensors or at the very least, those who monitor primetime? Can civilization not police itself without having to pass laws infringing rights?
REDUCING TEEN PREGNANCIES AND ABORTIONS: Nationally, nearly one million young women under the age of 20 become pregnant each year. That means nearly 2800 teen become pregnant each day. Approximately 4 in 10 women in the US become pregnant at least once before tuning 20 years old. Teen childbearing alone costs US taxpayers nearly $7 billion annually for social services and lost tax revenues. Pregnancy for young girls is no longer a shameful condition as it was two generations ago. Instead, young girls, with the collaboration of Hollywood (whether it is teen movie stars becoming pregnant or glorifying it in a movie much less the seeming subliminal acceptance and edification during the Republican Convention and Bristol Palin) infer that becoming pregnant before marriage or during high school is a glamorous endeavourer. Candies Foundation has campaigned to stop the glorification of Teen Pregnancy, now with Palin as spokes person.
The number of legal abortions a year in the United States is 1.3 million (1996) down to 1 million, which are approximately 3,700 a day. Of those, 52% are younger than 25 with girls under the age of 15 at 2%. There are 64% of abortions performed on never married teens. While 1% of abortions occur because of rape or incest, 93% occur for social reasons. A staggering 43% of women have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. No hard statistics are available for girls taking the morning after pill (or Levonorgestrel), RU-486 (Mifepristone) or Mexthotrexate and Misoprostol.
HOWEVER, little is ever remarked about the emotional, physiological, mental and spiritual side effects of abortion;
o Endometriosis
o Infertility
o Heavy and persistent bleeding
o Infection or sepsis
o Scarring of uterine lining
o Perforation of uterus
o Damage to other organs
o Death
o Mild regret, depression, guilt, anger, shame, loneliness, isolation, impaired self-confidence, insomnia, nightmares, relationship issues, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, anxiety
A study published in April 2003 in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility found that women who have had abortions may be left infertile if fragments of their aborted children’s bones are left in the uterus. Bones are present in unborn children by 12 weeks, the gestational age at which many abortions occur. ALMOST HALF THE ABORTIONS IN THE US ARE REPEAT ABORTIONS.
Are the infertility problems of women later in life due to abortions conducted and birth control pills consumed during the body’s formative development in the teen years? The number of women ages 15-44 who have reportedly used infertility services because of impaired ability to have children is 7.3 million or 11.8%. This statistic only reflects women who have come forward. The number of women who could not afford treatment must be included in these calculations. It can be concluded that young girls who subject themselves to early abortion and contraceptives are subject to infertility later in life.
REDUCING VENEREAL DISEASE: Venereal disease has a long recorded history with major epidemics in the late 15th century Europe. Avoidance of premarital sexual activity began as a deterrent for the rise of venereal disease. In the US, 1 in 4 sexually active teens are infected with an STD every year (15 million are infected with one and 65 million with an incurable). As of 2000, more than 9,000 children and 45 adolescents in the US have died of AIDS acquired from their mothers. Nationally, more than half of teenagers are virgins until they are 17 years of age. In addition, one quarter of 15 year-old females and less than 30% of 15 year-old males have had sex, compared with 66% of 18 year old females and 68% of 18 year old males have had sexual intercourse. The CDC has confirmed that untreated STD infections cause infertility and untreated gonorrhea facilitates the transmission of AIDS. Children are no longer concerned about gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital warts, herpes or HIV because they are conditioned to believe that science, in the form of pharmaceuticals, will always have a solution.
GENITAL MUTILATION OF CHILDREN: No comprehensive world records are kept regarding the exact number of children alive who were subjected to genital mutilation customs or the numbers currently mutilated. Even in the United States, no complete accurate record exists of number of circumcisions performed or circumcision related complications or details. Some conservative estimates are that 95% of infant males are circumcised annually or 1.25 million or 3,300 daily at a rate of one every 26 seconds. The numbers of complications from these procedures is about 10% or 6.6 million males. In truth, the complication rate is 100% because shorn of its normal functioning foreskin, the circumcised penis is denuded, desensitized and deprived of the physiological functions of the foreskin regardless of the ‘complications’ that accompany amputation. Although female circumcision in the US was viewed and performed as ‘medically valid’ as late as the 1950’s, it is still done by some immigrants (for cultural reasons) and care facility (like insane asylums). The female numbers are estimated at 100 million (which does not include the numbers of female children gang raped). Whether boy or girl, domestic or abroad, sexual mutilation of children is condoned as a religious rite. Yet, many children suffer at the hands of physicians and other intrusive agents for the sake of custom and ritual become the sexual deviants in society. Whether it is circumcision or the African custom of cutting female genitalia, these rights (formerly as religious and sanitary) are outmoded and cause irreparable damage as well as pain and suffering to children (and adults). It is time to look at these ancient rites with a 21st century mind and intelligence for what it is- mutilation.
Children who have been raped and/or abducted suffer the side effects throughout life. According to the Center for Disease Control, as many as 76% of all adults diagnosed with cognitive impairment are also victims or survivors of sexual violence. Every two minutes somewhere in the US, someone is sexually assaulted. Yet, nineteen out of every twenty rapists walk free. In the US, 72 of every 100,000 females has been raped while 7 in 10 women who had sex before 14, and six in 10 of those who had sex before age 15 report having sex involuntarily. Teens ages 16 to 19 are three and a half times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape and sexual assault. According to the Justice Department, one in two rape victims is under age 18; and 1 in 6 is under the age of 12. While 9 out of 10 rape victims are women and girls, men and boys are also victimized by the crime. Rape victims often experience anxiety, guilt, nervousness, phobias, substance abuse, sleep disturbances, depression, alienation, sexual dysfunction and aggression.
An average of 2,185 children under the age of 18 are missing each day, which is about 800,000 children annually. Of these, hundreds are kept for a period of time and killed. On average, 2 in 5 abductions of children ages 15-17 are due to internet contact. Law enforcement is overwhelmed with the number of unsolved cases. Of these, about 25% are abducted by family members. Although Amber Alert networks safely recover a small percentage of these children, the problem is serious both domestically and internationally.
SEX TRAFFICKING OF MINORS; Human trafficking is modern day slavery. Trafficking involves school age children particularly those not living with their parents who are vulnerable to coerced labor exploitation, domestic servitude and commercial sexual exploitation. There is no way to determine how many of our missing children have been abducted for trafficking whether as prostitutes here and abroad or used as sex slaves. Although the media has minimally publicized these issues, still with the large population of missing and exploited children, it is impossible to know the numbers of children involved in this trade because no one has the manpower or the tenacity to broach the magnitude of the problem. With communities falling apart from the economic meltdown and more and more children lost to Cold Case files, social apathy is rampant.
PORNOGRAPHY ON INTERNET WITH INFANTS, CHILDREN AND TEENS: As of 2003, there were 1.3 million pornographic websites with a worldwide industry of $97 billion with 72 million viewers. More than 20,000 images of child pornography are posted online every week with 100,000 illegal child porn websites. About 20% of all Internet pornography involves children. In 2005, the child pornography business reached $3 billion annually. Some 9 out of 10 children ages 8-16 viewed child pornography on the Internet most unintentionally. Is the invasion of the bodies of infants, children and youths by parents, sitters and caregivers to exploit children as a commodity or to satisfy sick needs a reflection in the decline of values and morals in this nation? Sometimes, caregivers drug children. Sometimes, children are coerced into acts. All times, children are affected FOR LIFE as the recipients of such inhumane and sick individuals whom they trust and love, for the most part. At the other end of the commodity trail are those who stimulate the markets in its behalf- the consumer. What IS the definition of Freedom? Who IS watching out for the children? One in five children ages 10-17 that use the internet have been sexually solicited online. “Never in the history of telecommunications media in the United States has so much indecent (and obscene) material been so easily accessible by so many minors in so many American homes with so few restrictions”. US Department of Justice.
Where is the future of the planet going? How can we transform these statistics?