TV SHOW GUEST 03.04.2014 CARING FOR ELDERS Sue Liberman Holding management and director level positions in health and human services most of her professional career, Sue has been serving people in need and transition throughout the US for over 30 years. In 1998, she founded Senior Solutions, a Geriatric Care Management Company that provides guidance and resources to families dealing with the changes and challenges of aging. Her employers have included major Medical Centers, a Home Health Agency, a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Senior Care and Retirement Communities. She has lived and worked in California, Florida, Illinois, New York and in 2002, moved toVirginia. She recently retired from Branchlands after five years as the Executive Director to return to her geriatric consulting business.
Sue received her formal education in Psychology, Business and Human Services Administration, but her most prized accomplishment is her Certification in Gerontology. She has served on various not-for-profit Boards and is currently active with the Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce Aging in Place and Business Women’s Roundtables, Senior Statesmen of Virginia, the Charlottesville Rotary Club.
Sue’s greatest pleasures are cooking a meal for people who love to eat, being with her adult grandchildren and responding to the needs of people who can benefit from her diverse fund of information, compassionate support, sense of humor and integrity.