Small Schools
During commencement exercises at Graceland, VP Al Gore outlined measures Americans must take to better educate our children. Some of these steps included; 1) downsizing […]
During commencement exercises at Graceland, VP Al Gore outlined measures Americans must take to better educate our children. Some of these steps included; 1) downsizing […]
School System Antiquated This article exists as a scanned image. To view the article, please click on the icon below.
Positive Focus on Education is Self-Fulfilling Prophesy This article exists as a scanned image. To view the article, please click on the icon below.
Prior to the 1900’s, the public schools went from a private free enterprise activity with no compulsory attendance laws, no school taxes and independent thinkers […]
As the population increases, as a measure to identify children by grouping them into age and developmental groupings, there has been a rather widespread movement […]
Which is the school? Which is the prison? Imagine that everyday, you need a cracker snack at the vending machine. Each time you deposit your […]
In Italy, Villaggio della Madre e dell Fanciullo was instituted for young unwed mothers during the end of the last war trapped in an intolerant […]
One of the fastest growing phenomena in the United States today is the Home Schooling movement. According to Faith Popcorn, an economic analyst, in the […]
WHERE ARE THE GIFTED CHILDREN ? WHERE DO THEY ALL BELONG? Although the Superintendent’s desire to access more “gifted” students into the schools is a […]
When a factory worker on the assembly line, notices that the product is coming out defective, she knows that there is something wrong with the […]
The Legislature in Virginia, like other states, is again revisiting the issue of Charter schools. The likely hood of this succeeding is minimal. Nothing is […]
WINA RADIO INTERVIEW Brezinski, DariaHistory of Education, WINA radio
WAAT RADIO INTERVIEW Warrington, Jean; Montessori School in PA, teacher, Learning Montessori Style 1999 WAAT
WAAT RADIO INTERVIEWS Stairs, PA Rep. Jess; House Education Committee. Legislative Impact on PA Schools WAAT
WAAT RADIO INTERVIEW Spiezel, Dr. Michael; Asst Superintendent Dallas, PA, SD, Innovations in Curriculum WAAT
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